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The One Percent Better Podcast

Sep 12, 2023

Today's guest has studied hundreds of the world’s foremost innovators, entrepreneurs, and creative thinkers to learn how they ask questions, generate original ideas, and solve problems. He is the author or co-author of more than 12 books on innovation, including the bestseller The Book of Beautiful Questions. 

Warren Berger and I discuss:

  • What makes a beautiful question
  • The % of adults he believes ask good questions 
  • How to the navigate the job interview question Tell us about yourself 
  • How one question can change your career 

and much more!

Connect with me on LinkedIn where every Monday | Wednesday | Friday I share actionable tips to transform your communication and connect deeper than ever before with the most important people in your life and work.

As always, thanks for listening to Episode 279!


PS: Email me  if you have a guest you would like me to record a conversation with