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The One Percent Better Podcast

Aug 26, 2018

One of the best things about creating a project named One Percent Better is the freedom it allows me to experiment.

Today’s episode is one of those experiments. 

If the goal is to go to sleep a little smarter, a little stronger, a little wiser, than we were when we woke up, then the work that is required cannot be...

Aug 19, 2018

Today I share my conversation with Amy Fast.

We discuss how she uses Twitter to continue her journey as a lifelong learner. 

Her book details her WHY, namely that education is about much more than trying to produce the most desirable data points on a spreadsheet.  

She believes in the power of schools, and more so, the...

Aug 12, 2018

This week I share 10 ideas about how incoming college students can make their experience 1% better.  

If you think this advice can help a young person you know, pass it on. 

Keep the conversation going on Twitter or by emailing me.

As always, thank you so much for...

Aug 5, 2018

Today on the podcast, it's teacher and author Dave Stuart Jr.

I love Dave's work and have been following his journey for over five years.

We discuss:

  • How to find what Dave calls your Everest and how it applies to your personal and professional lives
  • What six things Dave has concluded matter most when it comes...