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The One Percent Better Podcast

Sep 26, 2021

Here's the link to check out the course Damn Good Questions

I believe it's the single best course on the market for learning how to ask the best questions of your life today.

I hope you check out the trailer here.

Today's episode is about changing your mindset to give yourself the very best opportunity to get whatever...

Sep 19, 2021

This week's damn good conversation is here!

Thomas will help you solve the creative problems in your business and have you smiling while you work. He's an incredible writer who looks at the world in a unique way. I was thrilled to invite him on. 


Did you know my first ever digital course is HERE!

It's 10...

Sep 12, 2021

This week I bring on a special family member to help drive home a powerful idea.  

You might remember his appearance in the introduction of Episode 66 

Today, Joey and I discuss the power of ankle weights. 

He shares why he's wearing them and I share my idea that perhaps we all should be taking advantage of the power...

Sep 5, 2021

Our conversation begins at (8:15) 

I begin today's episode with some business & personal news that might be just for you, but then transition into one of the best leadership conversations I have ever had. 

We discuss Marc's career in the CIA, his leadership philosophy, and why he loves baseball so much. Enjoy all this,...