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The One Percent Better Podcast

Oct 30, 2023

Welcome to this week's episode!

Would you be willing to answer a few short questions to help me make the show even better? Head HERE to help me get 1% better!

--->Communication Coaching Opportunity<---

Looking to level up your communication skills? Dive into personalized 1:1 coaching with me! Unleash the power of...

Oct 24, 2023

In today's episode, we're delving into the transformative power of small steps around  navigating the landscape of Psychological Safety. 

The dynamics of Psychological Safety are all around us and appear to be a crucial element of team and family success. 

Psychological Safety is built on:

  • open...

Oct 17, 2023

Today I share a damn good conversation with Fred Claire, a true legend at 88 and former LA Dodgers GM.

Join Fred's fight HERE

As the mastermind behind the 1988 championship season, Fred takes us on a journey behind the scenes of that historic achievement. We explore his unique approach to building winning teams with...